Friday, April 20, 2012


Yesterday was a rough day, for 2 reasons; Aubrey lost her 2nd tooth, actually Lauri pulled it out for her (yuck), she's only 4!  Then I got word that a boy in the 2nd grade has a crush on Makenna!  She keeps asking me if she can have a playdate w/ Aaron Zalewski, turns out he has a bit of a crush on her, and she may as well, but won't admit it to me.  I'm not ready for all this.  I just want them to stay little, and sweet.  Making matters worse, I worked at the American Club tonight, and it was prom!  All I could think about all night, is my girls being that age and how scary it is for a parent.  I really pray I've done a good job raising them and that they make good choices, not perfect choices, but overall, good ones.  Just wish I could protect them forever, but I know that is not possible.  I did proclaim to my co-workers that I will be chaperoning the prom.  Wonder if that will really happen, or if they will insist that I don't. I hope not:) 

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