Friday, June 29, 2012


Not feeling good at all today, just really tired, run down and achy.  Every time I feel this way, or at least most of the time, I start to really worry that I am "sick" again, and that is very scary.  It seems like I have felt this way for weeks, even though logically I know it has just been a few days.  Although since we have arrived in Colorado I haven't felt great.  I know part is due to the stress of it all, but I also can't seem to breath at all, my allergies are terrible, and I am still adjusting to the altitude.  Still very homesick, Makenna as well.  We saw hermit crabs at the mall the other day, and she was obsessed with getting one, and decided to do 5 book reports to earn the money to buy one.  We got it last night, and she named it Ella Marie Looly.  So sweet.  If it makes her feel better, than I am happy, although this crab is more work than I imagined!  We have to spray it twice a day with distilled water!  She said she wanted the crab so she could talk to it, since she has no friends here:(

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