Sunday, June 3, 2012

Waiting to move

I haven't blogged in so long, and am feeling really bad about it!  We are still in Wisconsin, staying at the Dehecks house, waiting to move on Friday.  Makenna is taking the move extremely hard, it really breaks my heart!!  Aubrey doesn't seem to be affected by it.  She mimics Makenna at times, and seems to cry, but gets over very quickly.  Luckily she is young enough to not quite get it.  I just don't know what to do or say to Mak any more.  She cries all the time.  I feel so bad for her.  If I had any idea it would be this hard on her, I would have said no to this move.  I am really sad as well. We have such wonderful friends here, we will miss them dearly! I hope she is happier when we get there!  We have decided to call this week the countdown of really bad days.  Today was bad day number 1, we are glad that it is over.  She seems to laugh when I call it that.  Anything to make her smile. On a lighter note, Aubrey rode a bike without training wheels for the first time tonight!! I am so proud of her.  It seems to come very natural to her, she did it right away, fingers crossed it continues in Colorado!

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